Used to call the code parsed in the addaction argument.
Adds condition to be able to switch to an attachment.
Add backpack(s) to vehicle cargo.
Adds a magazine to the units rangefinder.
Adds an event handler with arguments.
Adds an engine event handler just to the controlled entity.
Add an eventhandler to a class and all children.
Adds an action to the main display.
Registers an event handler for a specific CBA event.
Registers an event handler for a specific CBA event with arguments.
Add an item to a unit.
Add item(s) to vehicle cargo.
Adds context menu option to inventory display.
Adds or updates the keybind handler for a specified mod action, and associates a function with that keybind being pressed.
Adds or updates the keybind handler for a defined Fleximenu and creates that Fleximenu.
Adds an action to a keybind.
Adds an action to a keybind from config.
Add magazine to a vehicle/unit.
Add magazine(s) to a vehicle’s cargo.
Adds an event handler that executes code when a marker is created or deleted.
Adds a menu option to the ESC menu “Options” tab.
Add a handler that will execute every frame, or every x number of seconds.
Adds persistent action to the player.
Adds a player event handler.
Creates a new setting for that session.
Adds projectile tracking to a given unit or vehicle.
A function used to add a waypoint to a group.
Add a weapon to a unit.
Add weapon(s) to vehicle cargo.
Adds weapon to unit without taking a magazine.
Reports namespaces created with CBA_fnc_createNamespace.
Returns the magazine of the units rangefinder.
Reports positions of the building including nearby custom building positions.
Checks if unit or object has enough free space in inventory to store item.
Checks if the unit can currently use a weapon.
Upper case the first letter of the string, lower case the rest.
Switches weapon accessories for the player.
Adds additional watch statements that are run on a remote target and have their values returned to the client.
Poll player event states and possibly raise events on state change.
Set magnification of the current optic of the unit.
Helper function used in config to set the magnification of a zooming optic.
Helper function used in config to remember the zeroing of a zooming optic.
Creates a transition between two states.
Adds a state to a state machine.
Creates a transition between two states.
Clockwork which runs all state machines.
Creates a state machine.
Creates a state machine from a config class.
Deletes a state machine.
Dumps the performance counters for each statemachine Requires `STATEMACHINE_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS` in script_component.hpp Note that diag_tickTime has very limited precision; results may become more accurate with longer test runtime.
Manually triggers a transition.
Manually triggers a transition.
Creates a readable string representation of a state machine.
Manually updates the list of a state machine.
Changes the key of a key handler.
A function used to correctly clear all waypoints from a group.
Converts a hexidecimal coded color with transparency to the ingame decimal color format.
Converts an ARGB coded color with transparency to the ingame decimal color format.
Converts a hexidecimal coded color with transparency to the ingame decimal color format.
Converts a hexidecimal coded color without transparency to the ingame decimal color format.
Converts an RGBA coded color with transparency to the ingame decimal color format.
Converts an RGB coded color without transparency to the ingame decimal color format.
Return all compatible weapon attachments.
Retrieves a list of magazines that are compatible with a weapon.
Compiles all Extended EventHandlers in given config.
Defines a function in mission namespace and prevents it from being overwritten.
Compiles a function into mission namespace and into ui namespace for caching purposes.
A function used to gather a list of all music classes
Removes item from inventory.
Creates a marker all at once.
Creates a namespace.
Creates a PFH object, that will execute code every frame, or every x number of seconds.
Create a trigger all at once.
Creates a version 4 UUID (universally unique identifier).
Converts a CSS extended color keyword to the ingame decimal color format.
Converts a CSS extended color keyword to a hexidecimal coded color without transparency.
Converts a CSS extended color keyword to a procedural texture without alpha.
Finds out the magazine ID of the currently loaded magazine of given unit.
Returns the controlled unit.
General Purpose Debug Message Writer
Reverse URL encoded text to readable text.
A function used to delete entities
Deletes a namespace created with CBA_fnc_createNamespace.
Deletes a PFH object that was previously created via CBA_fnc_createPerFrameHandlerObject
Creates namespace containing all variables stored in a CBA hash.
Executes a piece of code in unscheduled environment.
Drops an item.
Drops a magazine.
Drops a weapon (including binocular).
Serializes input to a JSON string.
Escapes special characters used in regex from a string
Executes the given code after the specified number of frames.
Executes a code once in non sched environment on the next frame.
Filter each element of an array via a function.
Finds a string within another string.
A function used to find out the first entity of parsed type in a nearEntitys call
Find largest numeric value with index in an array.
Find smallest numeric value with index in an array.
A function used to return songs with given type and tags
A function that returns the index of the first empty (nil) entry in an array.
A function that returns the index of the first null entry in an array.
Returns the index of the first entry of the given type in an array.
Returns the index of the first entry of a given type in an array.
Handles firing a disposable weapon.
Formats time in seconds according to a format.
Formats a number to a minimum integer width and to a specific number of decimal places.