Creates a transition between two states.
_stateMachine | a state machine <LOCATION> |
_originalState | state the transition origins from STRING |
_targetState | state the transition goes to STRING |
_events | list of events that can trigger the transition ARRAY |
_condition | additional condition required for the transition to trigger <CODE> |
_onTransition | code that gets executed once transition happens <CODE> (Default: {}) |
_name | name for this specific transition STRING (Default: “NONAME”) |
_wasCreated | check if the transition was created <BOOL> |
[_stateMachine, "initial", "end", ["end_statemachine"], {true}, { systemChat format [ "%1 transitioned from %2 to %3 via %4.", _this, _thisOrigin, _thisTarget, _thisTransition ]; }, "dummyTransition"] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_addEventTransition;