Add an eventhandler to a class and all children.
0: _className | The classname of objects you wish to add the eventhandler too. Can be a base class. STRING |
1: _eventName | The type of the eventhandler. E.g. “init”, “fired”, “killed” etc. STRING |
2: _eventFunc | Function to execute when event happens. <CODE> |
3: _allowInheritance | Allow event for objects that only inherit from the given classname? [optional] <BOOLEAN> (default: true) |
4: _excludedClasses | Exclude these classes from this event including their children [optional] ARRAY (default: []) |
5: _applyInitRetroactively | Apply “init” event type on existing units that have already been initilized. [optional] <BOOLEAN> ((default: false) |
_success | Whether adding the event was successful or not. <BOOLEAN> |
["CAManBase", "fired", {systemChat str _this}] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; ["All", "init", {systemChat str _this}] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; ["Car", "init", {(_this select 0) engineOn true}, true, [], true] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; //Starts all current cars and those created later