Creates a new setting for that session.
_setting | Unique setting name. Matches resulting variable name STRING |
_settingType | Type of setting. Can be “CHECKBOX”, “EDITBOX”, “LIST”, “SLIDER”, “COLOR” or “TIME” STRING |
_title | Display name or display name + tooltip (optional, default: same as setting name) <STRING, ARRAY> |
_category | Category for the settings menu + optional sub-category <STRING, ARRAY> |
_valueInfo | Extra properties of the setting depending of _settingType. See examples below <ANY> |
_isGlobal | 1: all clients share the same setting, 2: setting can’t be overwritten (optional, default: 0) <BOOL, NUMBER> |
_script | Script to execute when setting is changed. (optional) <CODE> |
_needRestart | Setting will be marked as needing mission restart after being changed. (optional, default false) <BOOL> |
_return | Error code <BOOLEAN> true: Success, no error false: Failure, error |
// CHECKBOX --- extra argument: default value ["Test_Setting_1", "CHECKBOX", ["-test checkbox-", "-tooltip-"], "My Category", true] call CBA_fnc_addSetting; // LIST --- extra arguments: [_values, _valueTitles, _defaultIndex] ["Test_Setting_2", "LIST", ["-test list-", "-tooltip-"], "My Category", [[1, 0], ["enabled","disabled"], 1]] call CBA_fnc_addSetting; // SLIDER --- extra arguments: [_min, _max, _default, _trailingDecimals, _isPercentage] ["Test_Setting_3", "SLIDER", ["-test slider-", "-tooltip-"], "My Category", [0, 10, 5, 0]] call CBA_fnc_addSetting; // COLOR PICKER --- extra argument: _color ["Test_Setting_4", "COLOR", ["-test color-", "-tooltip-"], "My Category", [1, 1, 0]] call CBA_fnc_addSetting; // EDITBOX --- extra argument: default value ["Test_Setting_5", "EDITBOX", ["-test editbox-", "-tooltip-"], "My Category", "defaultValue"] call CBA_fnc_addSetting; // TIME PICKER (time in seconds) --- extra arguments: [_min, _max, _default] ["Test_Setting_6", "TIME", ["-test time-", "-tooltip-"], "My Category", [0, 3600, 60]] call CBA_fnc_addSetting;